State Senator Neil Anderson (IL-47) and State Representative Travis Weaver (IL-93) are excited to announce the opening of their new office in Kewanee.
The Kewanee Office is located inside the train station, and the address is 210 West 3rd St., Kewanee, IL 61443. Starting on November 21, office hours will be staffed on Mondays (12 p.m.-4:00 p.m.), Wednesdays (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.), and Fridays (12 p.m.-4:00 p.m.) Office hours will also be held every other Tuesday.
“Constituent services are an incredibly important part of our job and with the size of the new 47th District, it’s important to have a location for area residents so they don’t have to drive hours to get the help they need from our office. I look forward to seeing how this additional location can help the Kewanee community and surrounding area,” said Senator Anderson.
“Having your voice heard, and being able to contact and get help from your elected officials is a cornerstone of representative government,” stated Rep. Weaver. “Opening this new office in Kewanee gives residents of the northern part of the 93rd District an office they can visit that’s closer to their home and their community. Whether you have an idea for how to improve Illinois or need help with a state-related issue, my staff and I are eager to help in any way we can. We look forward to serving you, so please do not hesitate to stop by or give us a call if we can be of any assistance!”
For more information, contact Rep. Weaver’s office in Pekin at (309) 204-6514 or Sen. Anderson’s office in Aledo at (309) 230-7584. Or visit their respective websites at repweaver.com or senatorneilanderson.com.